Monday 4 September 2017


IALT : Write a little reflection on what we did today at KiwiSport.

Hi today in the first block of the day we were down in the hall for KiwiSport.As you know our KiwiSport for this team is Hip-Hop,If you don't know what Hip-Hop is it is a kind of dance that you do in the streets.They created this because African Americans and Latinos wanted to express themselves out to the world because people were not listening to what they wanted to say, so they decided to create Hip-Hop.Today we had to get into our groups for the dancing battles and my buddy was Ana,To me I think she's better then me at dancing I like the new dance moves she shows me and I really like that me and her are sharing ideas so we can come up with a dance.In dance we had around 5 to 6 different dance moves.Our first move was called the smurf,then the janet jackson after that we did the cut-it move plus the whip and na-na.At the end of our dance I think me and Ana did a great job with our dance but next time I think me and her need to work on making sure we know what move comes next.But from my point of view I think this was a great Hip-Hop season for this week.

    Image result for dancing hip hop

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