Monday 7 August 2017

KiwiSport T3 W3 2017

WALT: Write a Reflection on what we learnt at Kiwi Sport today.

Image result for Hip Hop
The next 6 weeks we will be having Hip Hop for our Kiwi Sport as many as you guys know Hip Hop is one of the most popular dances in the world right now,last week at Kiwi Sport our teacher for Hip Hop Jasmine told us something new about Hip Hop that I didn't know off and that was African Americans and Latinos where the ones who created or made Hip Hop.They made Hip Hop because people were not treating them the same way,they didn't listen to their thoughts so they created Hip Hop so they could express their feelings and thoughts through the dance.So that was something new that learnt about Hip Hop,Today at our Hip Hop class we were learning a new dance move called the Janet Jackson so this move is the same as the dab but you have to flick your risk and do the dab at the same time.To me I think I did great for beginner and also I am looking forward for the next 6 weeks.Next time I need to work on my listening skills a little bit more and also I need to work on facing the speaker when their talking,from my point of view I think you should try it out and see if you enjoying doing it.

Image result for Hip HopThank you and please leave a comment.......


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